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Your Blogger For The Evening:

Friday, December 16, 2011

The linkage continues with Pastoral Musings

Okay, so so I'm a bit late in announcing the trading of links with yet another blog, this time Pastoral Musings.  This time, though, I have a perfect legitimate excuse: he never told me he was adding my blog to his blogroll.  Then again, I never told him I was adding him, so I guess that sort of makes us even.  I'm simply the type of person that if I think your blog is good enough, then I'll simply add it to my Hand-Pict Links over on the sidebar to the right.  Then again, I can sometimes be forgetful, so feel free to remind me in a comment (the blogs had two of them so far, so it shouldn't be that difficult for me to see another) or drop me an e-mail if you think I've missed yours (comments are probably better since I tend to check them more frequently than I do my e-mail).  Please note, however, that the above is not intended to imply any obligation, legal or otherwise, on my part to participate in such an exchange of links and I reserve the right to refuse any request if I choose to do so.  On the other hand, you'll never know until you try and it never hurts to ask.


  1. Thanks for the link, by the way.

  2. No problem. Just who are you anyway?

    jusssssssssssst kidddddddddddding. =OP

  3. Lol. For some reason I'm unable to post comments through my profile. Odd


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