The Best Christmas Songs Tell the Truth – The Gospel Coalition Blog
Perhaps this Christmas, many of us are experiencing a darkness all our own. Perhaps it is a prolonged struggle with some besetting sin. Perhaps it is the pain of a strained or severed relationship. Perhaps it is the cold reality of unemployment or cancer or death. In these circumstances, if all we had were the cheery, nostalgic Christmas songs, we might be tempted to despise the holiday. Each time we heard those lyrics describing some serene Christmas setting, sheltered from the pains of life, we would be acutely aware that this song does not match our experience.
While it is true that many people are facing such circumstances, not everyone is- and there may be some for whom serenity is just as true a reflection of their (at least current) condition as darkness is/was:
You wouldn't happen to know any songs that address the pain felt by
someone whose grandmother got run over by a reindeer, would you? Just
On a more serious note, I don't see how serenity is (or, at least, can
be) a less "truer" reflection of life than darkness. That by no means
denies the existence of darkness, but rather, it rests in the assurance
that the darkness can be overcome.
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