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Your Blogger For The Evening:

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's never too early for good suggestions

Memorial Day Preaching Suggestions « Cross Talk ~ crux probat omnia
1. Do not glorify war....
2. Do not sacralize war....
3. Do not make war salvific or Christian....
4. Do not let anyone leave the church thinking that any nation is the kingdom of God, or that any nation deserves the unqualified allegiance and praise due to God alone.
5. Do not let anyone leave the church thinking that there is anything more important than worshiping God and following Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit.
6. Do not let anyone leave the church thinking, "Man, that was a great sermon about this great country and our great wars!"
 I was thinking that perhaps having the choir (or the congregation) sing the following might also be a bit over the top as well:
 which led me to thinking that the following advice about music might be useful as well (with minor editing to add a link):
Perhaps another suggestion (I know, a bit late, but maybe for next year?): avoid hymns that might have militaristic overtones. I can remember several years back, a lady at the church I was going to kept requesting "Onward Christian Soldiers" when her daughter had joined the armed forces (the Marines, IIRC, soon after Operation Desert Fox began). I may have misconstrued her intentions, as she may have simply meant it only to support her daughter, but the timing made it sound like a display of patriotism rather than worship.
Furthermore, I think the list is useful for not only preachers, but all Christians to reflect on.

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