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Your Blogger For The Evening:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Exhibit one on the importance of keeping one's website updated

 Submitted for your approval: an image gleaned off Telemundo's website that covers one of their telenovelas, El Clon (WARNING: Read the Wikipedia entry for El Clon at your own risk, as it appears to have been poorly translated from another language and therefore contains many headache-inducing errors.such as a badly mangled writing [for example, "However, cultural differences either do not allow to be together."] and the use of masculine pronouns for Jade [who, as far as I can tell, is female- she's{?} the one on the viewer's left in the photo below])   On the extreme right- no, not the John Birch Society- a poll which asks "What do you think?" and below that "Who will Jade [the female lead] end up with?" and lists as possible responses the names of four of the male characters, Lucas, Daniel, Said, and Zein.

Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe...

So what's the problem, besides that the final episode ran on Telemundo just over a year ago?  On the left is "Final Decision" and below that "Jade tells us which were her reasons for remaining with Lucas"..

Telemundo = Spanish-language network broadcasting in U.S. and Puerto Rico
telenovela = "televised novel", a type of program similar to a soap opera, except telenovelas run for a predetermined duration (usually about 120 episodes) whereas the lifespans of soap operas tend to be limited only by the ability to get good ratings.  Another difference is that soap operas tend to be targeted towards women, while telenovelas  tend generally have a more diverse audience.  For example, it is more culturally acceptable in Spanish-speaking cultures for men watch telenovleas; as well  and there are some, like Carita de Ángel, that are made primarily for kids.
extreme right/John Birch Society = Humor by way of the Smothers Brothers

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