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Your Blogger For The Evening:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Feeling List-less? 10 ways church people fail their pastors

Joe McKeever: 10 Ways Church People Fail Their Pastors
  1. Church members fail their ministers when they do not pray for them.
  2. Church members fail their pastors when they pray for them, then reject what God sends.
  3. Church members fail their pastors when they apply standards of perfection to them.
  4. Church members fail their ministers by sitting in judgment on how well they do their ministries.
  5. Church members fail their ministers when they are quick to believe the worst about them.
  6. Church members fail the pastors when they abandon him to deal with the baddies in the congregation. 
  7. Church members fail the pastor when they major on minor issues.
  8. Church members fail their leaders when they murmur.
  9. Church members fail their pastors when they do not deal with their anger toward some minister.
  10. Church members fail their ministers when they are not faithful to the Lord.
Nothing to add from me.  But an article well worth the time to read.


  1. My father has been a minster most of my life, and all those examples are right on the money. Number four stood out to me, however.. My Dad, who has grown bold over the years, now offers people a chance to preach if they attack his preaching. The criticism seems to die down after his offer.

    1. Wish I could take credit for the list, but that would go to Joe McKeever. If you haven't already, you might want to give his blog a look (see link at the beginning of the post or in the Hand-Pict Links to the right). Highly recommended.
      BTW, an interesting "outside the box" solution by your father.


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